
In the following table you will find an overview of the literature we have compiled on the topic of music geragogy.

On the one hand, the entries are labelled with keywords and on the other hand with the categories "English-language literature", "Article in a journal", "Article in a book or conference proceedings", "Practical material" and "Monograph or edited volume". You can also select these categories in the keywords and then filter out all the corresponding entries. You can also combine the filter function with a name or title search and then display all search results sorted.

The keywords are: "movement and dance", "education, learning and development", "biography work", "dementia", "instruments and improvisation", "intergenerational", "intercultural", "listening to music", "music therapy", "singing and voice", "grief, end-of-life care, hospice".

If you would like to correct anything in the list, please feel free to contact us. At the bottom of the contact page you will also find a form for entering new literature references. Please use this form if possible so that we can work with the keywords and our system.

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491 entries were found.

Author Publ. Title
Spiekermann, R. 2017 Kammermusik 55+. Menschen zueinander bringen.
Spychiger, M. 2006 Musik im Lebenslauf.
Stammeier, E. 2011 Musikgeragogik als Tätigkeitsfeld im dritten Lebensalter – Erfahrungsbericht eines »selbstständigen« Musikgeragogen
Stark, C. 2019 Das aufsuchende Orchester
Steffen-Wittek, M. 2009 Woopies, PEGGIs, Happy-Agers. Rhythmik für Ältere zwischen Markt und Möglichkeiten.
Stegemeier, M. 2011 Musikvermittlung für Menschen im dritten und vierten Lebensalter.
Steinert, C. & Muthesius, D. 2004 Am Ende des Lebens von Anni Reiber. Protokoll einer musiktherapeutischen Sterbebegleitung.
Stricker, I. 2016 Singen verbindet Generationen und Kulturen. Cornelius Hauptmann im Gespräch über lebendige Musikkultur.
Strumpf, K. 2019 Heute ist ein guter Tag zum Tanzen - Menschen mit Pflegebedarf werden von ehrenamtlichen Helferinnen und Helfern zum Tanzen begleitet
Svansdottir, H. B. & Snaedal, J. 2006 Music therapy in moderate and severe dementia of Alzheimer's type: a case-control study